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Week 4


  • Connecting Issuer Agent API with SunbirdRC

Milestone 1: Connecting Issuer Agent with SunbirdRC

This week we worked on establishing connection between the issuer agent, which provides a set of REST APIs for interaction with CORD chain, built on top of Cord js sdk.

In the previous week, we already had the Issuer Agent setup and the basic API service running. The Issuer agent runs on localhost:5106.

Now we just replaced the catfact endpoint with the localhost:5106/docs.


  • Midpoint Demo Showcase Presentation

  • During the midpoint demo, I received the following feedback from the reviewer, which I believe to be very true and helpful - If you have read my previous weekly updates then you must be familiar with the different tech that I am using. SunbirdRC in itself is a big thing, and along with it CORD network and its several components. Anyone who is aware with all this can easily understand whatever I have done, but someone who has no idea about SunbirdRC, he wouldn't. This was one of the feedbacks I received during the demo, i.e. to add some kind of flowcharts and diagrams to my presentation.